SEND Community Inclusion – Examples of Good Practice
Bolton Trampoline Club

The club runs sessions for children from the age of five, six days a week. They also compete in local and national competitions. The club boasts a large spectator’s space for parents and carers, which gives the option to stay in the sessions. There are toilet facilities, a small tuck shop where snacks, hot and cold beverages can be purchased, the club charge a small fee for items purchased and the profits go straight back into the club.
In both the recreational bouncing and the squad, there is a good representation of children and young people presenting with ASD, ADHD, and dyspraxia. They have recently invested in a rebound trampoline bed. Staff actively seek out relevant training opportunities and successfully secured funding from Bolton Together for three members of staff to attend rebound therapy training and funding towards a hoist. The club is accessible through several different entrances, and they have adapted toilets with space for a changing bed. Alongside the funding the club was awarded a sensory pack to further enhance their space. Being able to offer a quiet breakaway zone will support children and young people who may become overstimulated, or just need time away from the session.

In January, the club introduced a stay and play session for the under 5’s. They work with a home-school group on Wednesday afternoons and have just completed an extraordinarily successful trampoline programme with Ladywood school, who have shared the feedback below.
“We have seen such a difference in children’s behaviour an confidence over the course of a 6-week block of trampoline sessions. Children showed such excitement attending the weekly sessions and, in some cases, where trampolining was used as a positive reinforcement for good behaviour it always resulted in the child being able to attend as a reward. Pupils would stop staff and peers in the corridor to tell them it was trampolining day. In a school where such a high proportion of pupils have limited language skills these are seen as real-life improving opportunities for our young people. Staff noted the children were very calm and able to follow instructions better following the sessions which is one reason we are moving to morning sessions so the impact on education can be even further utilised. We look forward to long and successful partnership with Bolton Trampolining Club.”
Leanne du Preez Assistant Head