The Well Farnworth

SEND Community Inclusion – Examples of Good Practice 

The Well Farnworth 

The Well in Farnworth is a centre offering a range of services to people and families in Farnworth and Kersley. From food banks to employability, debt support and study skills groups, there is something for everyone down at the centre. 

They appeared on our radar because of the stay and play session the run for younger children and this is something we wanted to explore. They are open throughout the week with specific sessions on specific days. They applied to the funding pot through Bolton Together and were awarded a sensory pack for the play sessions and funding towards an Autism awareness training course. They had recognised a gap in their knowledge and wanted to upskill to offer the best support to young people but also their families. The Well also runs a café, available throughout the week, a quiet calm atmosphere that would lend itself to those who need a low stimulus and staff who understand additional needs. 

Early feedback from the staff in relation to the sensory pack has been good. Staff have embedded the resources into their sessions, and they are already seeing the positive impact it is having on the children. 

Quote from staff member: “They have been excellent. We use them every day and the kids respond so well to them. It gives our children a place and an activity to focus on when they are dysregulated.” 

Case Study