The foundations of the charity are based on our universal open access offer, 7 days and nights a week, 51 weeks a year, reaching over 3,000 individual children and young people each year from across all areas of the town from our 4 centres, through centre based play and youth work, sport provision, arts and music programmes, dance, drama, multi-media, outreach and detached street-based programmes in neighbourhoods and communities, and projects such as the National Citizens Service, Young Leaders programmes, SEND programmes and projects which empower, inspire and build confidence and resilience.
Bolted on to our universal offer, we have developed a number of robust evidence-based services which provide tailored packages of support to some of our towns most vulnerable and complex children, young people and families. We provide 1:1 support for children and families from Early Help to child protection, the Young Carers service, programmes for Looked after children, and programmes that tackle employability, homelessness, independent living for those 16plus through psycho & social support.
In addition, we have a range of mental health service including bereavement support, Safe Zones, THRIVE practitioners and work in schools providing 1:1 and group therapeutic support.